17th ISCST Symposium (2014)

17th International Coating Science and Technology Symposium

Sep. 7-10, 2014 | Sheraton Carlsbad Resort | San Diego, CA

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Symposium Highlights

The 2014 ISCST Symposium in Carlsbad, CA was extremely successful. Attendees from across the globe converged to exchange information and network. The plenary session on Coatings for Energy Applications highlighted the importance of coating technologies in the successful development of new concepts and products for the energy field. The technical sessions covered a wide range of areas, including Coating Process Fundamentals, Solidification and Microstructure Development, Printing and Discrete Coating, Wetting, Flow and Solidification of Particulate Coatings and Coating Applications. In all there were 73 technical presentations and 10 posters.

Photos from the 17th Symposium (2014)

2014 Sponsors



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