European Coating Symposium 2005 (Bradford, UK) Wednesday

European Coating Symposium 2005 (Bradford, UK)

Wednesday Sep 7, 2005 Thursday Sep 8, 2005 Friday Sep 9, 2005


Wednesday September 7, 2005 Sessions
Thin-film flow on a stationary or uniformly rotating horizontal cylinder subject to a prescribed uniform shear stress at the free surface S. K. Wilson, B. R. Duffy and G. J. B. Black University of Strathclyde, UK
Mathematical Modelling of Curtain Coating. R. J. Dyson, P. D. Howell, C. J. W. Breward, P. Herdman, J. Brander Oxford/ArjoWiggins, UK
A Novel Predictive Model for Tri- Helical Gravure Roll Coating R. Hewson, N. Kapur, P. H. Gaskell University of Leeds, UK
The non-isothermal spreading of a thin drop on a heated or cooled horizontal substrate G. Dunn, S. Wilson, B. Duffy, D. Holland University of Strathclyde, UK
An assessment of lattice Boltzmann methods for coating flow simulation J.L. Summers, M.C.T. Wilson, P.H. Gaskell, N. Kapur, Y-Y Koh, H.M. Thompson, P.K. Jimack University of Leeds, UK
LES – VOF simulation of gas-jet wiping: confrontation to experiments A Gosset, D Lacanette, S Vincent, E Arquis, J –M Buchlin Von Karman Institute, Belgium/ Laboratoire Transferts, Ecoulements, Fluides, Energetique, Pessac, France

Controlled Pattern Formation in Thin Polymer Films Ullrich Steiner University of Cambridge, UK

Meniscus solutions and Shock Dynamics for Marangoni-driven Flows P. L. Evans and A. Münch Humboldt University Berlin, Germany
Modelling of jet wiping at small stand off distances A Gosset, P Rambaud, L Castellano, M Dubois, J –M Buchlin Von Karman Institute/Cockerill-Sambre-Arcelor, Belgium
Simulation of viscoelastic coating flows with a volume-of-fluid technique James M. Brethour Flow Science, Inc., Santa Fe, NM, USA
Modelling of the curtain coating process as basis for development of coating equipments and for the optimisation of the coating technology B. Mendez G Voith Paper, Heidenheim, Germany
Is the ‘shark-skin effect’ in films over undulated substrates possible? M. Scholle, N. Aksel University of Bayreuth, Germany
Practical limitations to forming carrier layers on inclined planes J.B.Ikin, H.M.Thompson and P.H.Gaskell University of Leeds, UK
Hotmelt Curtain Coating – Chances & Limitations P. Dancer, G Gillessen Nordson Engineering GmbH, Luneburg

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