13th International Coating Science and Technology Symposium (2006) – Session 2
13th International Coating Science and Technology Symposium(2006)
Monday September 11, 2006 SessionsSESSION 2: Dynamic Contact Lines
Co-Chairs: Steven Weinstein (Eastman Kodak) and Leonard Schwartz (University of Delaware)
Application of a Finite Element Level Set Method to Wetting and Filling Problems at Low to Moderate Capillary Numbers |
T.A. Baer, P. R. Schunk, R.R.Rao, D. R. Noble |
Gram Inc |
Spreading of Liquids on Solid Surfaces: Pure Fluids |
E. Rame, S. Garoff |
National Center for Space Exploration |
Dynamic Spreading and Absorption of Impacting Droplets on Topographically Irregular Porous Substrates |
P. Alam, M. Tolvakka, K. Backfolk, P. Sirvio |
Abo Akademi University |
Observation of the Breaking of the Dynamic Wetting Line under Vacuum |
H. Benkreira |
University of Bradford |
Interfacial Transients at a Moving Wetting Line |
T. B. Jones, K. L. Wang |
University of Rochester |
Stability Analysis for the Flow in a Dynamic Wetting or Dewetting (micro-) Gap |
S. Strein, P.Earhard |
Forschungszentrum Kalsruhe GmbH |
Static Contact Angles: The fully Augmented Young-Laplace Equation |
E. Diaz Martin, J. Fuentes, M. Savage, R. Cerro |
University of Alabama in Huntsville |
Latice Boltzmann Simulations of Contact Line Motion on Heterogeneous Surfaces |
X-L. Jia, J. B. McLaughlin, G. Ahmardi, K. Kontomaris |
Clarkson University |