European Coating Symposium 2007 (Paris, France)
Wednesday Sep 12, 2007 | Thursday Sep 13, 2007 | Friday Sep 14, 2007 |
Wednesday September 12, 2007 Sessions
Poster Session 3
New sizing compositions for glass fibres | K. Chuda, J.-P. Denis, D. Serughetti | Saint-Gobain Recherche |
Factors influencing S’ in the coating window for curtain coating. | H. Ahlqvist, G. Gugler | Ilford Imaging Switzerland GmbH |
Non-isothermal thin-film flow on a stationary or rotating cylinder | B. R. Duffy and S. K. Wilson | University of Strathclyde |
Atomization of thin films and fluid sheets of viscoelastic fluids | J. Thompson, J. P. Rothstein | University of Massachussets |
Experimental investigation of the motion and deformation of droplets on surfaces with a linear wettability gradient. | P. Chr. Zielke, J. A. Szymczyk | Fachhochschule Stralsund University of Applied Sciences |
Contact line dynamics in immersion lithography – Immersion hood development | N. ten Kate, M. Riepen, S. Donders | ASML, The Netherlands |
Contact line dynamics in immersion lithography – Dynamic contact angle measurement | M. Riepen, N. ten Kate, S. Donders | ASML, The Netherlands |
Spreading of surfactants on gels | M. Banaha, A. Daerr, L. Limat | Laboratoire Matière et Systèmes Complexes, Université Paris |
Inertial liquid-liquid dewetting | X. Noblin, A. Buguin, F. Brochard-Wyart | Laboratoire Matière Condensee,UMR 6622,CNRS |
Time integration and path-following applied to lubrication equations for 3D problems | P. Beltrame, U.Thiele | Max-Planck-Institut für Physik Komplexer Systeme |