European Coating Symposium 2007 (Paris, France) Thursday

European Coating Symposium 2007 (Paris, France)

Wednesday Sep 12, 2007 Thursday Sep 13, 2007 Friday Sep 14, 2007


Thursday September 13, 2007 Sessions
Influence of colloidal stability on the uniformity of drying in waterborne colloidal coatings J. L. Keddie, T. G. Weerakkody, A. M. König, D. Johannsmann, R. P. Sear, P. J. McDonald University of Surrey
SESSION 3a: Interface Instabilities
Fracture and Fingering Patterns in Entangled Moving Rims S. Gabriele, P. Damman Universite de Mons-Hainaut
Dewetting in non-isothermic ultra-thin two-layer liquid films A. A. Nepomnyashchy, L. B. Simanovskii Technion-Israel Insitute of Technology
Experimental study of the instability of a film flowing down a vertical fiber C. Duprat, F. Giorgiutti-Dauphine, C. Ruyer-Quil Laboratoire FAST (Orsay)
Capillary Origami C. Py, P. Reverdy, L. Doppler, J. Bico, B. Roman, C. Baroud Université Paris
Meandering instabilities of rivulets between plates W. Drenckhan, V. Langlois, D. Weaire, A. Daerr, N. Le Grand, L. Limat Université Paris 7
Contact line instability of a constant volume flow J. M. Gomba, J. Diez, R. Gratton, A.G. Gonzalez, L. Kondic Universidad Nacional del Centro de la Provincia de Buenos Aires
Linear stability and nonlinear dynamics in particle-laden thin films O. Alexandrov, B. Cook, A. Bertozzi UCLA
Stokes versus Darcy interfacial flows: the case of suction M. BEN AMAR Ecole Normale Superieure
SESSION 3b: Coating Processes
SESSION 4b: Nanoscales
SESSION 4c: Coating Flows

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